
Monday, January 17, 2011

Dangers of Tobacco

What are the harmful effects of a lifestyle that is harmful to health? What are the diseases caused by smoking? Here are some diseases and the negativeTambah Gambar impact caused by smoking:

Heart Disease
Tobacco is also one major cause of heart attacks. A smoker's death from heart disease more than the deaths from lung cancer. Even low-tar cigarettes or low nicotine will not reduce the risk of heart disease. Because some of the cigarettes that use a filter to increase the amount of carbon monoxide is inhaled, which makes cigarettes was even worse for heart than smoking which does not use filters.

Nicotine contained in cigarettes can make your heart beat faster and increases your body's need for oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide is poisonous. These toxic substances walked to actually impede blood flow and oxygen flow to the heart and other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow the blood vessels so that more oxygen flow slows again. That's why smokers have an increased risk of heart disease is very high.

Lung Cancer
Cigarette smoke from tobacco contains many cancer-causing chemical. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage lungs. These substances can trigger the occurrence of cancer, especially in the lung. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer in the body in a quiet place to be a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.

Heavy smokers who had for years will have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease that gradually will make the lungs lose elasticity. If the lungs lose keelastikannya, it will be difficult to remove the dirty air. The signs are started having trouble breathing in the morning and evening. So easily out of breath. Other signs are often experiencing severe flu, accompanied by a severe cough, and possibly with chronic bronchitis. Cough is often times do not stop and become chronic.

Old Faster
The results of the smokers showed that the faces of men and women smokers wrinkles faster than those who do not smoke. The process of aging is increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. The study showed that heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times higher than nonsmokers. Even the premature aging process has already begun for the teens who smoke, such as skin wrinkles, yellowed teeth and bad breath.

Body Damage
The negative impact of smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, heart, and respiratory tract. Smoking habits according to research can damage other body tissues. Dozens of diseases associated with tobacco use even include pneumonia (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The reason for the toxicity of cigarette smoke spread everywhere through the bloodstream. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body.

A stick of Cigarette Ingredients

Any substance contained in a cigarette? Nicotine is the main substances contained in cigarettes. However, more than 700 additional chemicals may be used by tobacco companies to increase the enjoyment of smoking. Some stuff is so toxic that even some major cigarette manufacturers will usually have a high standard to dispose of toxic materials which are very dangerous.

Passive smoking can have a negative impact is more terrible if they are inhaled cigarette smoke.
In addition, cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, including arsenic, acetone, butane, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. Cigarette smoke is inhaled by smokers and passive smokers will menganduk 43 substances known to cause cancer. That is why for the second-hand smoke can have a negative impact is more terrible if they inhaled cigarette smoke.


Cigarettes have become a small object of the most popular. Smoking has become a way of life for many men and women, even including children and adolescents. Smoking habit has resulted in many diseases of the respiratory disorders to cancer. Although aware of the dangers of smoking, people around the world still continues to suck dozens of billion cigarettes each day.

The number of smokers on Indonesia was ranked third highest in the world. The number of smokers in developing countries far more than the number of smokers in developed countries. The figures are very worrying considering the harmful effects of smoking will only be felt in the long term.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Disease Causes Cough

If the cough does not heal in a long time, probably cause of cough is a disease that needs to be wary of. Such as sneezing, coughing can also spread the disease. Here are some diseases that are often characterized by a cough.

TB (tuberculosis / TB)
The disease attacks the lungs and contagious. Is a deadly disease if not treated immediately or do not routinely treat it. Sufferers will experience a cough that quite often both at the time of day or night. Another feature is the patient's body is increasingly thin. TB does not only affect adults, because many found the children who contract the disease.

Asthma is a disease caused by constriction of the respiratory tract. The trigger can vary and differ from one person to another. Some asthma triggers are dust, cold air, and smoke. Get to know as much as possible triggers for asthma attacks can be prevented in patients. Symptoms that usually arises is coughing or shortness of breath will increase at night. This disease is a recurrent disease, so for people with asthma should always be prepared salve similar respiratory inhalers that can be smoked at any time.

The part that is attacked in this disease is the lungs. Commonly referred to as pneumonia, because if attacked by the disease, the lungs become inflamed and infected and lead to the lungs contained water or mucus. In addition to cough, other symptoms are high fever and chills. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital for immediate action.

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Cough is caused by bad bacteria that cause lung infections. Characteristics of persistent cough for a couple of times and ended with panting breath. Coughing is dangerous when hit small children or babies, because of persistent cough and long may cause them to lack of oxygen. Cough also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough is contagious when the spark of the nose or mouth fluids of people infected with this disease on anyone else who can then become infected as well.

The disease is caused due to a viral infection of the small airways of the lungs. When exposed to this disease, the patient will cough accompanied by a sound like whistling while breathing.

Do not Sepelekan experienced when coughing constantly. Immediately consult a doctor or hospital to find out more obvious causes of cough such. Leaving too long without getting proper treatment will aggravate the situation of the patient. In addition, most diseases that cause the cough is contagious so it can make family members or people who were nearby also are affected.



Cough is actually a form of reaction of the body to remove foreign objects that enter the respiratory tract. Foreign object in question could be dust, mucus, or other foreign objects. This is actually a normal reaction and serves to protect ourselves.

Cough is the expulsion of air is roughly to clean the lungs from harmful substances when the airways began to fail. Cough can also be a deliberate attempt to clear the throat. However, keep in mind, a cough can spread germs that cause disease.

Mild Cough that generally befall us is cough cough due to colds or influenza symptoms are usually incurred when the season changes. Cough like this usually is not long, after sufficient rest or free medication on the market, the symptoms will subside and disappear.

Treating Flu

If you've contracted the flu, you can do things for your disease from getting worse. Rest if exposed to the flu. Rest or sleep to strengthen the body's immune system. If you work, maybe you can ask for permission to rest at home. By staying at home is also a way that you do not infect the disease to others.

Drink plenty of water. Water can help the body to avoid dehydration, because when the flu a lot of fluids released by the body. This water can also encourage and remove toxins in the body.

Protect yourself from the flu means you protect families from transmission of the virus on your target. Do not underestimate the flu or influenza, and should always increase endurance.

Prevent Flu

One way for the flu virus does not enter into the body is to wash hands properly. The hand is one way the virus entry into the body. Hand while holding the door handle, the handle on the bus, or the parts of other public places that became a media transfer the virus.

So, to prevent the hand that bervirus enters the body, you should wash your hands after you take the bus, finished using the toilet, before eating and other times when you feel your hands are not clean.

Avoid too frequent habit of holding the nose or mouth unnecessarily. Do not use glass or towels at the same time with other people.


Flu is a disease that most often we experience. Changes in weather, fatigue or most often contracted from another person. Although often considered a mild disease, but having the flu is not fun. Also, the concomitant increase in time, flu viruses mutate causing flu-threatening diseases. Colds are caused by flu symptoms. Flu or influenza is caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The virus enters the body of living things and then use it as a place to breed. The virus is transmitted to others through a granular fluid of saliva or mucus are expelled when someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks. The virus quickly spread along with fluids are expelled. Air as a medium for the spread of the virus and if you breathe air with the condition of the body that do not fit can make you the flu. That is why the spread of flu is very easy.

Another way is to spread the flu virus when a flu sufferer who holds the nose or mouth to make flu virus moves into his hands. When the person holding the door handle, the virus moves, and if you hold the handle of the door, the virus had moved into your hands. Furthermore, either intentionally or unintentionally, you may hold the mouth or nose, resulting in viral entry into your body and can cause you to have the flu.

Flu not only attack humans, but can also attack animals or birds. The danger from this flu virus is the virus could mutate so as to create new types that can not be resisted by the immune system. Animals with flu can infect humans and endanger such as bird flu or flu which is a kind of new virus. This new type can be dangerous and can cause a deadly flu epidemic.

Various types of flu that endanger such as the Spanish Flu, Hong Kong flu, or bird flu and swine flu should be wary of. If not immediately get the proper treatment, this flu can cause death. Although, now flu-flu outbreak has been merada, but it would not hurt if you continue to protect themselves from flu.

Prevention is better than cure, this applies to the flu. What's more, if you have kids. Protect yourself for not contracting the flu can be a way for your child not experiencing flu infected due to you.


Thursday, January 13, 2011


This disease affects more women. Migraine is a disease that attacks the brain and cause pain both physically and emotionally. Cerebral blood vessel dilation and inflammation is one of why the head ache. Although not known for certain causes, generally this disease is an inherited disease.

What can be done is to try to prevent attacks of headaches and reduce pain when the attack occurred. Sometimes the attacks are not only attacking one side of the head but to attack both sides of the head.

Before the pulse strike the head, usually the patient will experience symptoms such as seeing a blinking light or commonly referred to as dizzy, seeing dark spots, wavy, saw the object becomes smaller, sensitive to the sight and sound or tingling in hands and feet. By emotion, a sign that can be experienced as anxiety, irritability, or stress. These symptoms are not always sure because every migraine sufferer may experience symptoms differently.

Migraine Triggers

One way to avoid migraine attacks is by knowing what the cause of the attack. It is important to know the triggers that can cause migraine attacks. Avoiding the triggers means that increase the likelihood of migraine. Some triggers of migraines include:

Changes in estrogen
There is lots of the hormone estrogen in women may trigger a migraine. Especially when the number of estogen is not stable, for example at the time before and during menstruation, during pregnancy, contraceptive use, or if you are undergoing hormone therapy.

Stimulation of the body senses
The light is too bright, the sound is too loud, or a particular smell that was overpowering as the smell of perfume and cigarette smoke can be a trigger.

Changes in weather
Changes in extreme weather or not stabilized and the air pressure changes can trigger migraine.

Unusual sleep schedule
If your sleep patterns are not as usual. For example, a short period of sleep and even sleeping too long can make you experience a migraine. If you're new to travel, jet lag can also be the cause.

Exercise or physical activity that is heavier than usual to increase the likelihood of migraine.

Food and Beverage
The content contained in foods and beverages can be a trigger. Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine or the content of caffeine found in coffee should be avoided. Mengkonsusmsi brown, old cheese, food containing MSG or preservatives is also a migraine trigger.

Trigger the one shown above are some common triggers, but no guarantee is the trigger of your migraine as migraine triggers in each of us could be different. To be able to find out what triggers your migraines, make a note of when the migraine attack, what you eat or drink, what activities are done before you experience a migraine. Note is made every time the migraine attack. By analyzing the records, are expected to know what triggers your migraines.

Prevent migraines

No doubt, one of the causes of migraine is due to the heavy thoughts. For that, try to calm your mind. Perform relaxation of mind, for example by doing your hobby, gardening, listening to music or other activities fun for you.

In addition to the mind, physically also need to receive training in order to stay in top shape, exercise regularly should be a matter that can not be forgotten. Sport is a sport which should be selected with a mild physical activity, such as walking, aerobics, or cycling.

Good sleep patterns will support health and prevent migraine attacks you. Sleep should be in sufficient time, the term of adults should sleep for 6-8 hours a day. If possible, should sleep and wake at the same time every day.

If you are currently running the hormone therapy, should discuss this with your doctor for a solution can be given. This is because migraines can be caused by changes in hormone estrogen.

Treating Migraine

The first step that can be done when the migraine attack is to try to relax and calm the mind. Sleep in a quiet and dark place while trying to relax. You can put ice that has been wrapped in cloth to be placed behind the head. Then do the gentle massage on the head.

If you are frequently attacked by migraine, we encourage you to consult a doctor to get proper treatment. In addition, the examination is also useful to know for sure if the headache you're experiencing is a migraine disease or other headaches because sometimes, other head disease showing symptoms similar to migraine. Continue to live a healthy lifestyle and avoiding migraine triggers for migraines are not approached.


Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or completely do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. Such a person is usually called vegetarians. But, did you know that there are several types of vegetarians on the basis of what is consumed? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this?

Benefits of Being Vegetarian

The benefits of vegetarianism is primarily for health. Benefits include:

* Useful for body health. As is known, vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber which helps the digestive tract health and make you pass every day. Vegetables and fruit also contains antioxidants that can prevent cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
* Increase the beauty, ageless skin by consuming natural foods. Vegetables and fruits can make the body appear thinner.
* Helps to reduce global warming disturbing the earth's population. Livestock industry to be one cause of global warming on Earth and also contribute quite a lot of pollution, especially air pollution. In addition to warming and pollution generated in the industry, pollution is also generated from the process of making food for the animals.

It's hard Being Vegetarian

In addition to the benefits, there was also a feeling of not able to try vegetarianism. Causes that may be experienced:

* Too meyukai meat, making it very difficult if you have to leave for the taste of meat forever Untk
* By being a vegetarian felt it would be difficult if you have to eat out because it was difficult to find vegetarian food on the market.

Vegetarian Types

After seeing some of the benefits and difficulties, you may tertari to become a vegetarian too. Vegetarian does not mean people who only eat vegetables, but vegetarian is divided into several types. Each type has its own rules. Vegetarian type consists of:

Not eating all animal flesh whether red meat, poultry or fish meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese.

Lacto Vegetarian
Not consume all types of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat) and eggs. But still consume milk.

Lacto ovo vegetarian
Not eating all kinds of meat but are allowed to consume eggs or dairy.

Pesca Vegetarian
Not eating red meat or poultry meat but still allowed to consume eggs, milk and fish meat.

Is the level that many make allowances for this type still allowed to consume meat and dairy products occasionally.

Just eat fruits, grains and nuts are rich in vitamin E and is useful for skin beauty and ageless.

Raw Foodist
Consume only raw foods, because cooking process is considered to damage the natural things that exist.

The decision to become vegetarian or not is your own decisions you can think of to consider the benefits and difficulties.

Metals in the Human Body

To perform its function properly, our bodies need good nutrition. Substances that the body needs not only in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, or vitamins. Various metallic substance is also necessary for the body work properly. Any metal that the body needs? What is its function? How many are needed for the body?

Iron (Fe)

Function of iron:
Carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and eliminate toxins from the body.

Effect if the deficiency:
The bottom eyelid pale and easily tired.

Effect if the excess:
Can cause swelling of the liver. Iron can prevent absorption of the drug. Should not be consumed in excess when you're taking a drug for drug efficacy are not wasted. Excess iron can cause swelling of the liver and reduces the body's ability to absorb copper.

Food sources of iron:
Chicken liver, chicken meat, red meat, fish and legumes.

Recommended Dosage:
8-18 mg / day

Zinc (Zn)

Maintain fertility, strengthen the immune system, assist in the healing process and can help the body to produce approximately 100 enzymes needed. Lack of these enzymes make disturbed the body's metabolism that can cause various diseases. Zinc is also useful for skin beauty is to prevent acne, prevent dry skin and helps regenerate the skin.

Effect if the deficiency:
Wounds difficult to heal because of the slow regeneration of the skin, no appetite, slow growth, fatigue and even can cause infertility in men.

Effect if the excess:
If the amount of these substances exceed 2000 mg in the body can inhibit copper and folic penyerapat substances are also needed for the body. Side effects of excess substances include dizziness, vomiting, frequent sleepiness, sweating, and low cholesterol levels.

Food sources:
Zinc can be obtained from foods such as beans, nuts, cheese, beef, chicken and various marine fish.

Recommended Dosage:
12 mg / day.

Manganese (Mn)

It is important to maintain brain health, bone, plays a role in hair and nail growth, and help generate enzymes for the metabolism of the body to convert carbohydrates and protein to form the energy will be used.

Effect if the deficiency:
At risk for diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis and high cholesterol.

Effect if the excess:
Causing decreased levels of iron in the body thereby increasing the risk of anemia, skin disorders, heart, liver, blood vessels and brain damage. In addition, excessive manganese to prevent the absorption of copper to the body.

Food sources:
Eggs, beans, legumes, green leafy vegetables, red meat. In the fruits found in strawberries, pineapple, grapes.

Recommended Dosage:
5 mg / day

Chromium (Cr)

Assisted with vitamins B3, chromium responsible for managing the placement of glucose in the blood to the body cells to then be converted into energy.

Effect if the deficiency:
Increasing levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood that can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Effect if the excess:
Cause stomach irritation and inhibits the absorption of copper by the body.

Food sources:
Bread, wheat, corn, meat, fish and cheese.

Recommended Dosage:
25 mg / day

Copper (Cu)

Form hemoglobin, collagen and maintaining healthy nerves.

Effect if the deficiency:
Anemia, radanng joints and fatigue.

Effect if the excess:
Can cause poisoning characterized by vomiting, dizziness, weakness, abdominal pain and diarrhea. If there is constant pain can cause heart and liver damage resulting in death.

Food sources:
Seafood, wheat, corn, legumes.

Recommended Dosage:
1.2 mg / day

Magnesium (Mg)

Plays an important role to maintain a healthy heart, kidney and muscle.

Effect if the deficiency:
Can cause a heart attack, kidney, hypertension and asthma attacks.

Effect if the excess:
Can cause diarrhea.

Food sources:
Nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables, wheat, corn, tofu.

Recommended Dosage:
320 mg / day


Prevention of Dengue Fever

The best thing is to prevent so that no family members affected by dengue. The actions that can be done to prevent it are:

* Prevent mosquito breeding around us. You can do that is Closes 3M movement of water storage, drain the tub and Burying the goods unused. Mosquito larvae will develop in stagnant water in about a week. Therefore, it prevented the possibility of things which is where the development of these larvae, such as flower pots, tin cans, old tires or other items that hold standing water, especially in the rainy season where these places can be a puddle of rain water.
* Prevent mosquitoes do not bite, for example by using mosquito repellent lotion or medication.
* carrying around an ungainly powder Abate on sewer and water reservoirs so as not to be a breeding place for mosquitoes.
* Keep healthy condition. The condition of a strong body, helps the body to ward off viruses that enter so that even if exposed to mosquito bites, the virus will not develop.

Dengue fever can not be considered a mild disease. This disease can cause death. So, take precautions and remain vigilant against the disease can protect those you love from the dangers of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever or Dengue.

Treatment of Dengue Fever

There is no specific drug to cure dengue fever. So, things you can do to help cure people affected by this disease are:

* Give a febrifuge or paracetamol.
* Apply heat for not too high. Compress should be done with warm water, not with cold water or ice. Cold water can cause shivering patient so the body gets hot.
* Drink lots of water. Patients with DHF usually be deprived of fluid, the water is very good for them. Water can also help reduce the heat. In addition to water, can also provide liquid oral rehydration salts to help healing.
* Meals are nutritious. Actually there are no dietary restrictions for patients with DHF. Provide nutritious food for the body to be strong and to fight dengue virus. Fruits and vegetables can be very helpful for recovery.
* Drinking water guava leaf and red yeast rice can help raise the platelet.

Treatment can be done at home if conditions are not bad people and allowed by the doctor. However, it takes care in maintaining them. You should also continue to consult with your doctor and do blood check every day to find out his condition. Hospitalization may be an option if you feel it is more secure because the medical action can be taken immediately if the patient's condition decline is also possible given intravenous fluids to increase patient.

The things that harm from dengue disease due to infection with this virus can cause blood platelets drops to very low. Which then will cause the blood vessels become deflated, so that fluid leaking blood into the body cavities and cause bleeding in the ear, nose, or skin that can lead to death.


Dangers of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

There are 4 types of Dengue disease. So, someone who has been affected by dengue fever, does not mean he will not be affected by this disease because there are 3 other types that can cause fever as well.

When exposed to dengue, a person will have 3 phases. The first isis the phase of fever during the first 3 days . Continues on next 3 days which is a critical phase. In this phase, the fever had not occurred, but in this phase must be vigilant so as not to be fooled with regard has been recovered and no treatment. Three days later the healing phase.

One of the dangers of dengue fever is considered experienced as usual so it is considered a mild fever and did not get special treatment. Moreover, in the second phase, usually fever has come down so it is considered cured.
There are 4 types of Dengue disease. So, someone who has been affected by dengue fever, does not mean he will not be affected by this disease because there are 3 other types that can cause fever as well.

When exposed to dengue, a person will have 3 phases. The first isis the phase of fever during the first 3 days . Continues on next 3 days which is a critical phase. In this phase, the fever had not occurred, but in this phase must be vigilant so as not to be fooled with regard has been recovered and no treatment. Three days later the healing phase.

One of the dangers of dengue fever is considered experienced as usual so it is considered a mild fever and did not get special treatment. Moreover, in the second phase, usually fever has come down so it is considered cured.

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